Drama | Short Film
On the brink of ending her life, a young woman encounters a stranger whose unexpected arrival shifts the course of her life.
I had the pleasure of leading a team of six people, whom I absolutely enjoyed working with. Being a rather small scale production with no budget and minimal equipment, our only focus was to put something together that can be used for the benefit of everyone. Something that not only holds up from an audiovisual standpoint, but that can also be used as portfolio work.
From storyboard, location scouting, wardrobe, direction, filming, editing, sound mixing and colour grading, my role involved hands on with almost every single aspect of production. I have learned a great deal from this experience, and I am looking forward to what I can create in the future using this knowledge.
Written & Produced by Paul Harker
Directed, Filmed & Edited by Nickoloui
Starring: Reece Woodhouse, Sara Mazzanti
Sound Recordist: Tony O’Reilly
Production Assistants: Elbereth Steward, Minxun Chen
Colour Graded in DaVinci Resolve Studio
Doni – Tragic
Ashot Danielyan – In The Silent World
Travelator – Density & Time